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  Geometry Picture Dictionary
To use the "Geometry Picture Dictionary" tool, simply follow the steps below.
Step 1: select pictures
Select the pictures you want to include in the exercise by choosing their corresponding box.
(if you choose more than 20 pictures, the exercise will be printed on 2 pages)

Click here to select them all or here to clear your selection.
Acute Angle Acute Triangle Circle
Cone Cube Cylinder
Equilateral triangle Hexagon Intersecting Lines
Isosceles Triangle Line Line Segment
Obtuse Angle Obtuse Triangle Octagon
Oval Parallel Lines Pentagon
Perpendicular Lines Point Pyramid
Ray Rectangle Rectangle Prism
Rhombus Right Angle Right Triangle
Scalene Triangle Sphere Square
Straight Angle
Symmetry Line Trapezoid
Step 2: add a "heading" to your worksheets (optional)
The text you type in the following box will appear at the top of the worksheets.
This can be used to give directions to your students, give a name to the exercise...
Step 3: generate the worksheet
On the generated worksheet, click on the to generate a new one.
Use the to generate the "Answer Key".

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