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  Math Worksheets
Click on the to view a sample level from one of our many math worksheets "tools".
Math Terms Worksheets
Whole Numbers Worksheets
  •  Math Tables: generate a multiplication/addition table worksheet or exercise table worksheet.
  • Addition/Subtraction Worksheets (new): choose whether you want addition and/or subtraction
    problems to appear on the worksheets, then choose a level of difficulty and generate the worksheet. 
  • Addition Worksheets: choose a level of difficulty, and generate the worksheet. 
  • Column Addition Worksheets: choose a level of difficulty, and generate the worksheet. 
  • Subtraction Worksheets: choose a level of difficulty, and generate the worksheet. 
  • Multiplication Worksheets: choose a level of difficulty, and generate the worksheet. 
  • Division Worksheets: choose a level of difficulty, and generate the worksheet. 
    The following math tools allow you to specificy the numbers you want to use for each worksheet.
    (for example, if you only wanted to use 5's as your multiplier in multiplication)
  • Addition Tool: a tool generating a worksheet containing 30 addition problems. 
    (top digit range: 1 to 99 / bottom digit range: 1 to 9)
  • Subtraction Tool: a tool generating a worksheet containing 30 subtraction problems. 
    (top digit range: 1 to 99 / bottom digit range: 1 to 9)
  •  Multiplication Tool: a tool generating a worksheet containing 30 multiplication problems. 
    (top digit range: 1 to 99 / bottom digit range: 1 to 9)
Decimal Numbers Worksheets
Fraction Operations Worksheets
Integers Operations Worksheets
  • Adding/Subtracting Integers: generate a worksheet of integers additions, subtractions, or both.
    You can choose between two ranges of numbers: -10 to 10, or -20 to 20. 
Algebra Worksheets
Geometry Worksheets
  • Geometry Terms Worksheet / Definitions: generate a matching exercise and/or a list of definitions for geometry terms.
    (you can select which terms you want to include on the worksheets)
  • Geometry Picture Dictionary: a tool generating an exercise where geometrical shapes have to be identified.
    (you can select which terms you want to include on the worksheets)
Miscellaneous Math Worksheets
  • Comparing Numbers: generate worksheets where whole numbers, fractions, decimal numbers and percents have to be compared to each others, using the symbols ">", "=", or "<".
  • Ordering Numbers (new): generate worksheets where numbers have to be put in ascending or descending order.
    You can select how many numbers are included in the problems, and their range.
  • Ordered Pairs: an exercise where randomly generated coordinates have to be placed on a grid.
  • Clue Words List.
  • Clue Words Worksheet: a math "Story Problems" clue words matching exercise.

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